No Internet

for two days! Grrrr!!!!!

I have nothing to say... I just hate the telephone company who is responsible for this!!! Grrrr!!!


Today we went to the Legazpi Eye center to replace my eyeglasses. The frame of my old eyeglasses was already damaged so I really have to replace it with a new one. I spent 3t for the check up and the frame. Gosh! I can buy tons of scrapbook stuffs with that! LOL! The grade of my eyes was still the same. I forgot it so don't ask me now! LOL! I think it was 300 and 350 already. I am not yet sure. I am so happy of my new eyeglasses. It was DKNY brand... =) I picked it because it has a plastic frame, I was allergic to the metal frames. My old eyeglasses was still with me. I had to replace the pads of it because the other pair was already broken.

After going to the eye center we headed to Gaisano Mall for lunch. We ate at Mcdonalds because I wanted to eat Mcnuggets and my favorite Coke float. Honey ordered chicken and coke. After eating, Honey wanted to see if there is a patch maker at the mall because he wanted to have a pants full of patches, so we searched the mall for it. And we found it. We went home after that.

We also went to my niece's birthday this afternoon. We arrived late but there are still a lot of people there. The food was yummy! My bad I didn't bring my camera. I gave my niece a set of clothes as a gift and my nephew will be graduating from nursery so we gave him also a gift. I was happy to see relatives of Jun there. We went home at 9:30PM.

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