50 kilos

I've been 50 kls for a month already! I wanna lose weight right now. It is so good to feel that your weight is below what you have right now isn't it? And your husband or partner will be so proud of you if you lose weight and have a sexier body. I wanna experience being sexy also! hehheheh! I wanna have a nice diet that I can do because I got so bored at home I ate everything I see at home.

I found this web site about losing weight for free. And wow this is so great! They have a calorie counter which I can count how many calories I already have. It is so good to track how many calories burned in a month. I also want to try their diet journal so that I can track my calorie count easily. I want someone to teach me to pick the right food to eat and get support from someone who tried to get sexy easily. And My Fitness Pal is the right place to go. My fitness Pal is so effective and essential to people like me who wants to lose weight. If you are like me who desperately needs to lose weight, go now to My Fitness Pal and be sexier in a few months!

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