Our Bus Blessing

We had our new bus named Diane (Yup my name is there! hihihi! I am blushing here!) blessed this morning. We woke up at 6am to go to the church to tell the priest to bless our bus and another one owned by my parents-in-law. The priest is having another appointment near my parents-in-law's place, so he said he will drop by there instead. The priest arrived at 9am and the so little celebration ( without any food and guests! hahaha!) happened.

Jun was eager to finish the bus, have it blessed and have the windows tinted because our budget is going down already! We are paying a lot of debts foe buying that new Bus. It should be on the high way already so that money is coming into our pockets also.

I have no pictures to post because as we are leaving the house of my parents-in-law, the priest came in. So we didn't got our pictures. :(

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