My eldest brother and his wife will be going back to Kuwait already this afternoon. My parents house was full of sadness. I am here with the two yaya's of my niece and nephew. I don't like this feeling of being left behind. I don't want anyone to leave me. When my son left me I always felt the guilt and the sadness was all over me. I miss him so much. I miss my brother and my sister-in-law. Even for only a month of sharing and bonding with each other, I miss them now that they are gone.Speaking of gone, Jun's grandma has joined our creator already yesterday October 3 at 8am. She was 88 years old already. I didn't cry but I was sad. She was very nice to me whenever I catch her on my parent in law's house. She teach me a lot of things. She was a teacher way back then. I will miss her fun way of talking to me, her courage of going back and forth to her house and to my parent in law's house (The distance is quite far), her English speaking accent, her stories of how she gave birth to Papa (Jun's father) and his siblings, her smile that makes my day bright and her being forgetful (she always ask what is my name and how many kids I have). We will never forget you Mama Paz! We love you very much!
The picture above is the last picture I have of her. This was taken on Huey's first birthday. She was very strong then. She loves Huey so much so I am happy as well because Huey has a guardian already in heaven. Mama Paz will take good care of Huey. I am sure of that!
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