
My friend is having a problem whether to go on a rhinoplasty or not. She is quite not sure if it is safe or not. And where center to go. So when she YM'd me about it I don't know what to tell since I really don't know what rhinoplasty means. =) So I searched the dictionary what rhinoplasty means and I got this:

Rhino (Latin for nose) and plasty (Greek for molding or forming) is a medical procedure that reshapes the nose for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. It's more commonly referred to as a "nose job."

Rhinoplasty can reduce the size of the nose or alter the shape of the tip for a more pleasing result. It can even change the angle between the nose and upper lip. It can also restore proper functioning of the nose in the case of injury or abnormalities of the nasal cavities. Rhinopasty ensures that a patient will be able to breathe through both nostrils.

Oh well that's what rhinoplasty is all about. Why doesn't she told me that she wants a nose job? LOL! She told me of having second thoughts about it. I told her the truth that she badly needed it (well I am her friend so I don't want to lie to her!). So she asked me if I know a center for rhinoplastic surgery. I immediately told her that Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery is the best one in town. They have a well trained medical staffs and they have a very beautiful offices to make you comfortable. They also have a good publicity because of the plastic surgery articles in the newspapers.

So if you are considering of having ethnic rhinoplasty you can always check out Rodeo Driver Rhinoplasty. Or why don't you have this done as a holiday present to yourself? It will be a very great gift after all.

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